The hen

Oh, why me? It’s just an awful life,
It’s full of pain and full of woe and always full of strife.
I am a lonely hen, no sun or rain for me,
I spread my wings and pray that someday I’ll be free.
My home’s so small, it is beyond belief,
I hop from side to side to get some light relief.
My neighbour – who lives next door, is just the same as me.
She’s so noisy and so grumpy and she squawks constantly.
No mother shall I be, no chicks to waddle by,
No wonder as I get the URGE I want to sit and cry!
The excitement I can’t contain, as I hop from side to side,
I finally lay an egg, its about 2” wide!
I can’t build a nest of hay and watch my chicks stroll by,
No, I watch my egg as it roll’s away, can’t even say goodbye.
Oh my feathers are so dirty and my tail’s a dam disgrace,
All I want to know is “will I ever leave this place?”
I long to roam, to peck and scratch, to be wild and free,
But alas each day goes by and it is not meant to be.
My pin’s are old, thin and frail, I feel so strange unsteady,
But oh dear lord, as a last resort, I’ll be an OVEN READY!

— Jean S. Fordham