Nice weather tomorrow

Lia: I do not understand! it's not normal that it's raining now.
Leon: Wait! it's not my fault [for once], YOU chose the dates for our holidays.
- But the weather forecast said it had to be nice...
- The weather forecast is always optimistic, that's how it works.
- How so, optimistic? I live in one of the most powerful democracies in the world and I browse the website of the Official Weather Forecast of the Government of Her Majesty, who must be rational (not the Q. the gov.), powerful, and never lie, and above all never be wrong.
- They always say "tomorrow, weather will be nice". In a well-tempered country like ours, they have exactly a fifty-fifty chance of being right: if the weather is nice, they have won; if it's bad, they have not really lost because people just grumble five minutes [as you do now], then they forget.
- Then tell me why they choose "tomorrow, weather will be nice" rather than "tomorrow, weather will be nice ", since it is the same.
- Because of the Question of Advertising.
- Er? What advertising has to do with it?
- People prefer optimistic sites and flee pessimistic ones. For example, look at horoscopes: people only remember optimistic predictions. As a result, "tomorrow, weather will be bad", makes fewer clicks, less income from web adverts. Nowadays, the weather sites a last-man-standing struggle! it is to whom will make the most light-hearted forecasts, just adding a small gray cloud that smiles from time to time so that nobody suspects anything.
- What nerve! shame on them! What can be done?
- Buy a jar, a small ladder and a frog.

— Paul Sanson