Out of Season

Travelling during winter brings its own memorable rewards,
In addition to evading the sun-seeking hordes.
Blood red, oceanic sunsets which otherwise you’d miss.
Great bridges of the world emerge from their February dawn mists.

Barren, windswept beaches, refreshingly healthy.
Migratory bird flocks maintaining nature’s balanced harmony.
Moorland and mountains where only the hardened tramp,
No fair weather tourists who daren’t risk a little damp.

Exploring empty cathedrals, chateaus and forts.
No need to pre-book at all the must see resorts.
Parking’s never a problem, simply stop where you want.
There’s always an available table at your chosen restaurant.

Witness seasoned fisherman at their wharfs, free of ice cream stands.
Local folk doing normal business, supplying local demands.
Merge into the background, minimise your alien impact.
Leave the place as you found it; its integrity intact.

— Philip Wood

Photo Lisbon, Portugal.