Gardening Motto

Relaxing in our garden,
Soaking up comforting solar rays,
Lawn mown, today’s task completed.
So now to practice my garden motto,
“Gardens are to be enjoyed not endured”.
Let the bee do all its work,
Allured by the enticing nectar of golden honeysuckle.
Ants scurry to keep our garden regenerated.
I ape the common wall lizard,
Basking on his rockery,
Snatching an occasional passing meal.

Espy the red-capped woodpecker,
Tapping out grubs from our expiring walnut tree.
Jays strut across the yellowing mown grass.
Striped sunflower seeds teased free by a chaffinch pair.
Orange crested hoopoe manipulating its long probing bill,
Aerates the soil in worm detection.
Our proud blackbird; territory secured,
Feasts on the ripe hedgerow brambles.
Soaring honey buzzards circle the adjacent paddock,
As settling tractor dust reveals fleeing mice, voles and an occasional hare.
Distant woodland birds call; the Limousin sun warms.
Saint Emilion’s finest takes its inevitable effect.
I lounge; I snooze….

— Philip Wood