It never did happen

Thiepval Memorial, Somme

When our kids attended junior school we were assured,
That typing skills will no longer be required for the keyboard,
Our intelligent electronic friends would respond to our voice,
Most of the time they would choose for us our best choice.

Who will need cash which displays the Queen’s head?
Plastic and websites we’ll use easily instead,
Swipe and mouse clicks will replace our loose change,
But demand for the folding stuff continues unrestrained.

Turning the pages of your favourite book,
Is so 20th century, so to Kindle we’ll look,
Its never caught on, folk still prefer novels in paper,
A real volume in your hand; on the bookshelf for later.

Disaster will strike, software can’t cope with a two,
Planes will fall out of the sky, markets crash too,
How many times did we actually suffer,
Because the millennium bug caused our computers to stutter?
Inventions and machines will make our lives more relaxed,
Recreation time will increase, whilst our wealth is enhanced,
Everyone’s still flat out working a full week,
Stress levels and exhaustion continue to peek.

“The war to end all wars”; a lost generation were misled
“Peace in our time”; Munich's promises we were fed,
“Tear down this wall”; the Cold War continues its dance,
The price of true peace will always be eternal vigilance.

— Philip Wood