Signs of Children

Untidy bedrooms, toys in disarray,
Quick to play, never put away,
Eager to win, reluctantly share,
Add to mum’s workload, not their care.

Messy eaters, uncleared plate,
Snacks between meals, hard to wait,
Crumbs cover the table, over the floor,
Gobbled all up, who's for more?

Moan to get up, late for school,
Uniform needs ironing, so uncool,
Homework not done, excuse prepared,
Chat to friends, answers compared.

Who’d be a parent? we ask each other,
All the effort, so much bother,
We love them each and everyone,
So proud of what they achieve and won.

The chicks have flown, the nest is bare,
We ask ourselves, “were they really there?”,
Then we hear a knock on the front door,
The grandkids have arrived that we so adore.

— Philip Wood