My original Brother typewriter

Photo: Brother Typewriter

My OrIgInal Bro her  yppewrI er

My old  bro her  yppewrI er Is very worn o  ,
I  no longer  yppes  he le  er  ,
And for some IllogIcal reason,
Always pprIn s a do ble le  er pp,
I  only pprod ces an  pppper case I,
Also, I have no Idea why I   nderlInes y.

I  doesn’  q I e abide by  he r les  ha  follow q,
I   rIes  o oppera e  he arm for  he le  er  ha  comes before  ,
 hInk back  o  he pproblem I had In  he fIrs  pplace,
So  o pprIn    and   I  j s  leaves a sppace.

— PPhIlIpp Wood

My original brother typewriter decoded