Overcoming Walls

Walls, walls
Most of them you will hate
But listen and hear my call
For some might forge your fate

Some walls will make you frown
Others will slow you down
Stop you dead in your tracks
Even force you to pull back

Some walls alienate
Or, worse, discriminate
Erected to separate
Built to isolate

When walls give the cold shoulder
Will you stay silent or yell?
Remain obedient or rebel?
You are the choice maker

Walls will put you to the test
But take an axe or a shovel
Make a crack, dig a tunnel
For amid the rubble, pride you will harvest

By now one can attest
In this story, the moral
Is to be your absolute best
Even if that is a trial

Really you are the key
To who you want to be
So speak up clear and loud
And stand above the crowd

— Aimy
Read in Writing on a Wall: an Eltham Anthology