My Generation

History will show I’m a fortunate age,
Liberal freedom was all the rage,
Lucky generation, post-war baby boom,
Flower power spiked armies with a solitary bloom.

Entering a world with three billion peers,
Plenty of breathing space, no Malthusian fears,
Mankind’s infestation decades away,
Nature’s diverse pageant yet to decay.

Free education, government grants to assist,
Student loans and fees conceptually didn’t exist,
Greenhouse warming was only a gardener’s concern,
Sea level rising was just the tide on the turn.

Witnessed Armstrong’s Eagle in tranquility sea,
The pond in four hours super-sonic travel easy,
Ashes series from Australia by live satellite stream,
Apple’s Mac’s launch booted-up non-geeks’ dream.

Never called up for a major conflict,
United Nations’ aim was war to restrict,
No shortages or rations we have always eaten well,
Junk food for our children now sounds a warning bell.

 “Stairway to heaven”, our anthem etched on Led Four,
Air guitar strummed to Clapton, Richards and Gilmore,
Progressive rock solidly evolved,
Who hoped to die before they got old?

Weekend excursions drank petrol at a bargain rate,
Empty roads we drove just for driving sake,
The liberating pill complimented a romantic date,
AIDS  yet its devastating impact to make.

True, a four minute warning threatened from the Russians,
Oil price quadrupling caused economic recessions,
Overall, of any generation, we’ve had little real distress,
A cozy life with only our own success to address.

— Philip Wood