A day in the park

Here are our girls having fun
In the park, out in the sun.
These are our great granddaughters
We visit twice a year
We live in France, so we don’t live very near.
The two great grandsons, were on a roundabout
Playing with other boys, up to mischief no doubt.
We are sad when tea-times nears
The little ones shed son tears.
None of the kids wants to go home
They are having so much fun.
But we have to go home quickly
Before the setting of the sun.

— Gilian Reid

Crime et CHAT-iment

Ah, je n'aurais pas dû
Manger ce pauvre oiseau qui avait si peur
Soupirait ce chat dodu.
Maintenant, me voici en état d'apesanteur
Planant dans l'air
Franchement, de quoi ai-je l'air ?

— Gérard Miro

Résumé de « Crime et châtiment » de F. Dostoïevski

Les globe-trotteurs

– Que de lignes blanches là-haut !
– Oui, encore des traînées d'avions à réaction...
– Si le trafic aérien continue de croître comme cela,
 bientôt, on ne verra plus le bleu du ciel...
– Que voulez-vous ? maintenant,
 pour un oui ou pour un non,
 les gens prennent l'avion !
– Au fait, où partez vous
 pour vos prochaines vacances ?
– À Tahiti, on ne connait pas encore...
– Ah ! Eh bien, nous, cette année, on fait l'Australie.

— Gérard Miro


A photographer lost for an angle,
A poet lost for a word,
Senses lost to pure eminence,
Michelangelo’s nude shepherd.

— Philip Wood

David – Galleria dell'Accademia – Florence – Italy.

My Generation

History will show I’m a fortunate age,
Liberal freedom was all the rage,
Lucky generation, post-war baby boom,
Flower power spiked armies with a solitary bloom.

Entering a world with three billion peers,
Plenty of breathing space, no Malthusian fears,
Mankind’s infestation decades away,
Nature’s diverse pageant yet to decay.

Free education, government grants to assist,
Student loans and fees conceptually didn’t exist,
Greenhouse warming was only a gardener’s concern,
Sea level rising was just the tide on the turn.

Witnessed Armstrong’s Eagle in tranquility sea,
The pond in four hours super-sonic travel easy,
Ashes series from Australia by live satellite stream,
Apple’s Mac’s launch booted-up non-geeks’ dream.

Never called up for a major conflict,
United Nations’ aim was war to restrict,
No shortages or rations we have always eaten well,
Junk food for our children now sounds a warning bell.

 “Stairway to heaven”, our anthem etched on Led Four,
Air guitar strummed to Clapton, Richards and Gilmore,
Progressive rock solidly evolved,
Who hoped to die before they got old?

Weekend excursions drank petrol at a bargain rate,
Empty roads we drove just for driving sake,
The liberating pill complimented a romantic date,
AIDS  yet its devastating impact to make.

True, a four minute warning threatened from the Russians,
Oil price quadrupling caused economic recessions,
Overall, of any generation, we’ve had little real distress,
A cozy life with only our own success to address.

— Philip Wood

Worm’s Eye View

Orange tulips against a pure blue sky,
Complimentary colours each other gratify,
To capture I must on my stomach lie,
As crowds of sightseers pass me by,
Only I,
This beautiful angle espy.

— Philip Wood

Keukenhof, Holland


Chaque vaguelette
est une crête,

Addition abstraite,
cime concrète,
mais sensible.

L’eau et les minutes
elles passent,

Comme notre conscience
se tricote,

— Eleonore Sur

Visual Turmoil

So many mirrors!
Reflections bouncing back to me,
Its hard to tell what I’ve left behind,
And what’s still yet to see.

Question my perceptions,
Dreams and fantasies confuse,
Irrational perspectives,
Easy your sanity to loose.

— Philip Wood

La Spezia, Italy

Mediterranean Seduction

Flowers’ sweet aroma,
Enchanting strains of Dylan’s music,
Stir in hot Italian sunshine,
Irresistibly romantic!

— Philip Wood