What stinks so sweetly?

“A rose by any other name”,
A quote fair Juliet did once acclaim
“Many a true word is spoken in jest”’
Revealed a cook with wisdom, Chaucer’s best.

MG’s British pedigree disposed of for Chinese Yuan,
A sanitation engineer remains the dustman,
Designer lagers can’t replace the gravity of real ale,
Exam non-achievement still ranks as a miserable fail.

A person of interest we identified as a wanted crim,
The street activity index was the reported rate of him,
After forty years of marriage now my loving wife,
Has been transformed to be merely my partner in life.

Utility hatches have covered up manholes,
Access fees charge drivers more expensive road tolls,
Public service announcements now feed us propaganda,
Road maps are a disguise for a political agenda.

Economically deprived areas have replaced the slum,
To house the poor and homeless who have now become,
Economically marginalised outdoor urban dwellers,
Resorting to irregular shopping, always known as shoplifters.

In the Bard’s immortal words a rose smelled so sweetly,
Now these pompous official terms try to blind us completely,
A spade is a spade, so let us call it that,
Cover up nothing with this bureaucratic P.C. twat.

— Philip Wood