Forgotten love

Why does age distress you so, you’ve lost your hue you’ve lost your glow
When you were new what did you see, lots of friends and company
But you have been left to sit and lie, gathering dust slim and grime

And now you look a little faded, and possibly a little dated.
To me you have a rugged beauty, a tranquility a possibility
People looked and wanted you when you were young and you were new,
Just like me you feel the strain of never being young again
No one stops, no one stares and now it seems no one cares

And yet for me there is a difference I’m still loved and someone cares
I’m not alone and nor is she for no other love could there ever be
So I am sorry for your plight, left alone both day and night
I wish you’d found the love I have and then you would not look so sad.

— Len Rose